Respuesta :
Once in the rush of the society, materialistic position was a fast growing trend. In how much you possess physically determines the position one has in the society. This position will guarantee respect and sometimes fear from the community and people grew more and more detached.
As the world is fast-paced now;materialism has lost its appeal. Happiness has made a new wave in the society. Consciously, people are choosing long lasting happiness from small things and currently minimalism is the new trend.
As a growing youth one of my goals js to influence people positively. That is why I live by, "How many people have I made happy today?" Because dying is real but living is incumbent and each day is a day to live happily and freely. No judgement zone is my motto.
It's paramount for the society to stop being fake. Despite the challenges we face, people ought to know from within what will bring them long-term joy instead of getting a sugar rush of happiness and left desolate in the end. People must not care what the society says but really on what is sure and sound from within. That is true happiness.
I wrote the position paper about happiness as one of the trends in the society now. All the best!