An airplane can travel 380 mph in still air. If it travels 848 miles with the wind in the same length of time it travels 672 miles against the wind, what is the speed of the wind?

Respuesta :


In equation form, speed is:
if the time when airplane travels with the wind is t1 and the time when airplane travels against the wind is t2, we are given that t1=t2...we will use t
so, if it travels 3699 miles with the wind and has a speed of 380+mph, we have
380+mph+=+3699m%2Ft calculate the time t



+t=+%283699%2F380%29h we know the time and we can plug it in formula for speed against wind where d=3141m using same time
highlight%28v+=+323.8mph%29 .........your answer



Step-by-step explanation: