
1.Sculptures in this art period were tensed and Stiff
2. A sculpture that was carved in a smooth grained dark stone called greywacke.
3. A marble sculpture that was used for the burial of Roman General involved in the campaign of Marcus Aurellius.
4. One of the most ichnographically dense works of art in the history of art in Italy
5. Sculpture showing excessively heavy breast.
6. This sculpture showing a husband and wife reclining comfortably as if they were on a couch.
7. Themes in sculptures of this art period are religious, everyday life scenes, and motifs from nature.
8. A bronze sculpture that figuring a youthful ancient Greek athlete throwing a discus.
9. A painted stucco-coated limestone bust of the Pharaoh Akhenaten's wife.
10. A sculpture carved from a mammoth ivory.​