What are some possible ways of generating different types of profession within the country? How can the youths be motivated towards technical education to stop them from foreign employment?

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The ways to generate different types of profession in the country is through the institution of public policies that generate training and job opportunities for young people. One way to motivate young people to technical education is the opening of new jobs.

A country's educational system will also be relevant in training young people to train competent professionals who are adaptable to global changes.

Technical education is one that combines learning and work-oriented training and can be a great opportunity to prepare young people for the job market.

Therefore, educational policies must be instituted in the country that focus on vocational training and encourage the employability of newly graduated young people.

Changes in economic policy are also essential for a country to increase the level of investment and diversified jobs so that young people can achieve a quick and effective insertion in the labor market.

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