Respuesta :
Answer:Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what went wrong here.
Stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon groups of people because of their race, nationality, and sexual orientation. These characteristics tend to be oversimplifications of the groups involved, and while some people truly do embody the traits of their stereotype, they are not necessarily representative of all people within that group. Stereotypes are not always accurate and even if positive, can be harmful. Social identity theory was proposed in social psychology by Tajfel and his colleagues (Tajfel, 1978; Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Social identity refers to the ways that people's self-concepts are based on their membership in social groups. Examples include sports teams, religions, nationalities, occupations, sexual orientation, ethnic groups, and gender. Social identity theory addresses the ways that social identities affect people's attitudes and behaviors regarding their ingroup and the outgroup. Social identities are most influential when individuals consider membership in a particular group to be central to their self-concept and they feel strong emotional ties to the group. Affiliation with a group confers self-esteem, which helps to sustain the social identity. Rochelle Beauort had a feeling that market research coordinator is not her main course. She was on the top management in Branding. Research coordinater is in operation line. She likewise developed discernment that as result of her shading, she was set aside for some other times. Syd Gilman misperceived that Rochelle Beuport would welcome the new position that he encountered before his position. He believed that by offering that position will help her gain new experience in her work just like others but Rochelle Beuport really demotivate about her new position but cannot say anything in front of Syd Gilmaan
What other perceptual errors are apparent in this case study?
The other perceptual mistake that is apparent for this case study is the Halo Effect. The Halo Effect happens when strong information about the clear target is missing or we are not enough pushed to chase down it..We also develop a general impression of the individual of condition. An individual is considered average in one category, we are obligated to make a near evaluation too in other categories. It is as if we can't without a lot of a stretch separate classes .It may in like manner be connected with disharmony avoiding, as making them awesome at one thing and ghastly at another would make a general appraisal troublesome. As communicated above, Rochelle felt that she was side lined and was set aside as a consequence of her incongruities furthermore her social character. The new proposed position was not in the top organization and that is the thing that Syd Gilman required. She just responded "Thank you, Mr. Gilman" with hesitations. She expected to accumulate her contemplations and consider what she had done wrong.
What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of situations?
In this case, communication is the key to minimize misperception. Communication is really important to succed in any organization. Even practicaly, company do very well in organization, but miscommunication is they main key to deliver any process in organization. In this case, Rochelle Beuport didn’t tell Syd Glman that she is not happy about her new position . she not willing to able to work as research coordinater. At the same time. Syd Gilman need to study and discover the right postion to place his employee. She was on top management, but when she got the new position whch is lower than previous position, she demotivate. She was really unhappy about it. Syd Gilman ought to give vigilant thought to what Beauport is commucating. In case need be, he should have the eargerness to discuss . Soo communication is really important for both side understand need for each other. Listen to the employee and express the feeling in professional way will create a good organization. This is to understand each other so that organization will allies to the work.