
A census is a regularly-occurring and official count of a particular population. Census data available at the United States Census Bureau website are an example of:

a. Public information Result Correct Comment Census data is a public source of data.
b. The summarized data presented are available to individuals via the web without requiring a password.
c. When an individual completes the census form, there is no expectation that the data will remain private.
d. Census data do not describe behaviors, but provide information about members of a given population.

Respuesta :

The census data i.e. available at the United States Census Bureau website represents the example of public information.

The information regarding the United States Census Bureau is as follows:

  • It is the principal agency that should be held responsible for the national census for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Also at the same time, it generates data for the economy.
  • Moreover, public information represents an example of this.

Therefore, we can conclude that the census data i.e. available at the United States Census Bureau website represents the example of public information.

Learn more about the census here: