Suppose you have a beaker of sugar and a beaker of salt. They are unlabeled and the white crystals look identical. Your assignment is to identify each one. Tasting would make identification easy, but you should never taste anything in a science lab. Instead, you can use scientific knowledge and investigation to help you identify each substance.
Substance Formula Melting Point Conductivity
Table salt NaCl ? ?
Table sugar C12H22O11 ? ?

Examine the chemical formulas for salt and sugar given in the table. What do they tell you about what type of bonding is present in each compound?
A. Both molecules contain ionic bonds.
B. Both molecules contain covalent bonds.
C. NaCl contains a covalent bond, and C12H22O11 contains ionic bonds.
D. NaCl contains an ionic bond, and C12H22O11 contains covalent bonds.