I love Microsoft Excel!
2 - The function that would find the average of a particular range is =AVERAGE(). This is used to find the average of something by calculating the arithmetic mean (or just "mean").
3 - The function that would find the total values within a particular range---or in this case, Column J---you would use the =SUM() function. This will add up all of the values in the range you selected. An example could be that Column X has the values of 5, 6, 12, 45, 3. =SUM(X1:X5) = 71.
4 - The function that would count all values is defined as =COUNT(). An example would be =COUNT(A1:A10).
5 - The function that would count the number of occurrences within a particular range is defined as =COUNTIF(). Within the parentheses, you would put the range of data that you are working with. Then, in quotations, you would put the name or value that you are trying to find.
In your case, it would be =COUNTIF(range,"9") ((I put range in there since I do not know what your range is as it is not defined within the context of this question))