Following are selected accounts for a company. For each account, indicate whether it will appear on a budgeted income statement (BIS) or a budgeted balance sheet (BBS).

a. Sales …………………………………….._____
b. Administrative salaries paid….._____
c. Accumulated depreciation………._____
d. Depreciation expense………………_____
e. Interest paid on bank loan….….._____
f. Cash dividends paid…………………_____
g. Bank loan owed………………………_____
h. Cost of goods sold………………….._____

Respuesta :


Find the answers below


a. Sales ……………………………………. Budgeted Income Statement

b. Administrative salaries paid…..Budgeted Income Statement

c. Accumulated depreciation………._____ Budgeted Balance Sheet

d. Depreciation expense……………Budgeted Income Statement

e. Interest paid on bank loan….….Budgeted Income Statement

f. Cash dividends paid…………………Budgeted Income Statement

g. Bank loan owed………………………Budgeted Income Statement

h. Cost of goods sold.........Budgeted Balance Sheet