An event that changed me was losing me best friend in Grade 6. My view on life changed to be careful of people, to be careful who I trust. My life goals changed too to become the best version of myself, to not repeat the mistake I made. My character for the better was changed because I always tried to be the best version of myself. My highs would have to be school accomplishments and participating in school activities, extra curriculars, and competitions, because that was a distraction at the time from the drama and what had been going on in my life at that time. My low point would have to be as I was getting over the loss of my best friend because I never thought we wouldn't be on speaking terms, and it was hard for me, and I had to get used to it.
To give you some more help here are some more possible topics you could do:
Being good at something you didn't think you were good at for example.