Match the term with its beliefs about the millenium.
a. The millennium represents the whole of the last days; we are in it now.Satan has already been defeated and bound by the death and resurrection of Christ. He is still active, but he can do nothing to thwartGod's purposes. Christians who have died already reign with Christ in heaven.
b. Christ will return before the millennium. He will raise dead Christians tolife again and they will reign with him on earth. Satan will have no power until the very end of this period when he will gather together allthose who still resist Christ's rule. They will then be destroyed in a finalbattle, and the end will come.
c. The millennium is the time immediately before the second coming: he will return after it. This "millennial age" will be a period of peace and righteousness in which more and more people will become Christians and the world will grow more godly.
1. Premillenialism
2. Postmillennialism
3. Amillennialism