You are the clerk on duty at the luggage storage. During your shift, Mr. Ruangroj a VIP guest came with a three Armani paper bags and two from Chanel. He said that he would like to store them in the luggage storage and will pick it up tomorrow before he checks out. You know that this is against the establishment's protocol, but Mr. Ruangroj insists, what would you do? How will you make him understand that it is against company protocols

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Answer and Explanation:

A VIP guest such as Mr. Ruangroj has some customer privileges such as great discounts and high credit. However company policy must always be put first. To retain the goodwill that exists between Mr. Ruangroj and the company, you'd have to explain gently to him that what he is asking for is against company protocol. Be creative, suggest an alternative place of storage that satisfies same need and be ready to make a little bit of sacrifice yourself.