delivers everything from animation to graphics and music to movies.
A website refers to the collective name used to describe series of web pages linked together with the same domain name.
HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.
Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations that a web page displays.
Furthermore, HTML 5 is the fifth and most recent version of the hypertext markup language which was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. It was first released on the 28th of October, 2014.
HTML 5 was designed and developed to avail end users (web developers) the opportunity to work with everything from animation to graphics and music to movies. Thus, it's a version that supports various file formats such as audio, video, graphics, and animation.