Respuesta :

First, choose your “amazing person.”

Then consider: What makes him or her amazing? Is it wealth? Is it intellectual accomplishment? Is it physical accomplishment? Is it contribution to society? Is it a personal hero of yours (such as your mother or father)?

In short: Why is the person amazing? What has he or she done that others haven’t done?

Once you have those traits, then writing the essay shouldn’t be difficult. To begin the essay, you can do the traditional: “The most amazing person I know [or have heard of] is . . . “ Or you can back into it: “Three of every five people who contracted smallpox died. During the 20th century alone, an estimated 300 million people died of the disease before it was eradicated. My choice of an ‘amazing person’ first determined how to immunize people against smallpox—Dr. Edward Jenner.”

Then you tell the story of why the person was amazing and how he or she came to that point.