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The transition between school to a post school is a difficult phase in one's life because it opens a lot of adjustments whether it is socially, mentally and/or psychologically. Most students find it difficult to transfer because of these following reasons visit these links and see the answers below:,,
There are a bunch of strangers. Not all students are gifted with an extropersonal skills that allows them to make friends easily. Transition makes it difficult for introvert pupils to accept.
The new school is bigger than their previous school. Though in others the size of a place is not bothering their performance, there are individuals who find it difficult to adjust when it comes to the size of their environment. For example a student who studied in a small private school with only one section will find it difficult to adjust moving around a larger environment.
There are different teaching styles coming from the school's faculty. Learning styles are somewhat define by the teacher's teaching styles and strategies. In their previous school, some of the seniors might have already leaked the strategies used by the teacher in their school. But in a post school, some students are 100% newbie wherein they have no idea what is going on inside a class of a single professor or instructor. This is difficult since they do have to observe every single day and learn a new way to follow the lesson's phase.
Friends are not with the same post school. It is said that you can go through anything with your friends but most of the time you will never be with them when you transfer to a post school but still you need to move forward and learn to mix with the public.
Lessons are difficult and new. Most learners are not accustomed in learning quick in a new environment especially when the lesson is more difficult and new.
New policies are too intimidating to break. Some students are struggling when it comes to adjusting to rules whether it is inside the classroom or just a simple campus rule so they feel intimidated and and fearful in breaking one. But it must be remembered that rules keep the society moving forward peacefully.
There are different reason for an individual to fear and feel difficulty adjusting to a post school. But one must remember that humans are created with an adaptability skill that allows us to mix well with a new habitat and environment. Social skills are just part of our adaptability. You can just follow the wind and let the flow take you. Life is a constant change and all you have to do is to embrace it to make yourself belong anywhere you go.
Transaction between school and post school destination is the entering from one stage to another stage of live.
What is transaction between school and post school destination?
The transition between school and post school destination means that the youth is ready for next stage of their lives. The perfect transition of the students from high school to college or the adult world is very important.
This is because these years provides the direction to the students for their future so we can conclude that transaction between school and post school destination is the entering from one stage to another stage of live.
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