Respuesta :


  1. Each copper atom has lost one electron and become a positive ion. ... The electrons can move freely through the metal. For this reason, they are known as free electrons. They are also known as conduction electrons, because they help copper to be a good conductor of heat and electricity.
  2. The zinc layer stops oxygen and water reaching the iron. Zinc is more reactive than iron, so it also acts as a sacrificial metal. This protection works, even if the zinc layer is scratched.
  3. Aluminium is the most commonly used and commercially available metal. Its alloys generally that have excellent corrosion resistance, good workability (machinability) and good to excellent weldability, are often used in marine applications (marine grade aluminum).
  4. It is because the copper metal is very reactive with air and so it reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form Copper Oxide which is impervious and thick so it protects the metal from rusting and corrosion in future and also its luster is decreased as copper oxide is dull in colour
