h and k are just arbitrarily choosen names for these functions, and (x) is the variable we do all the calculations with
example: (x) can be some function, while d(x)= 2*f(x) always doubles what f(x) would give you. and in order to talk about the new function we give it a new name.
let's have a look into it.
and with a look, I mean a look (screenshot 1)
k(x) basically takes the other equation, doubles its values, but also flips the sign (hence -2*h(x)), and then adds 3 (shifting everything 3 units up)
k(x) is a vertical stretch [note thatthe zero-pounts stay the same] by a factor of -2, translated up [you typed translated right twice, but the +3 in the new equation is safely putting everything 3 units higher].
to be honest, I can't get the meaning of some of the blanks and the options you mentioned don't seem to fit well.
I hope I gave you enough insight to do do the quiz anyways.
pls let me no if you solved it or if you need further explanations.