You are a marketing consultant and you have been hired to assist a client in deciding on a target marketing strategy that fits her objectives and capabilities best. You previously helped the company complete a SWOT analysis, and you are reviewing it to determine if it favors a particular target marketing strategy. After reviewing the SWOT analysis, you conclude that the client needs to absorb some excess production capacity, and has the skills and resources necessary to focus on more than one market at a time. Based on this information, you decide that it would be most appropriate for the client to use a(n)_________________________________ targeting strategy.

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A differentiated marketing strategy is the strategy where the company decided to provide the distinct offering to each kind of market but that should be targeted one. Each segment should be target in the way where the company gives the unique benefits for various kind of segments

Since in the given situation it is mentioned that there is the need to focus more than one market so here it should use the differentiated targeting strategy