only the ABO antigens need to be compatible between donor and recipient
An antigen is any molecule that is capable of inducing an immune response in the host (e.g., the coat protein of a pathogenic virus). The ABO blood group system is used to indicate the presence of one, both, or neither of A and B antigens on the surface of red blood cells. In blood transfusions, ABO antigens have to be compatible between donor and recipient. In consequence, it means that 1-donors of group A can donate blood to recipients with types A and AB (a recipient of group A can receive blood from a donor whose blood does not contain B antigen), 2-donors of group B can donate blood to recipients with types B and AB (a recipient of group B can receive blood from a donor whose blood does not contain A antigen); and 3- donors of group O can donate blood to recipients with types A, B, AB, or O (a recipient of group O blood can receive blood from a donor whose blood does not contain A and B antigens).