Mark each of the following statementsas true or false. If a statement refers to "two objects"interacting via some force, you are not to assume that these twoobjects have the same mass.

A. Every force has one and only one 3rd law pair force.
B. The two forces in each pair act in oppositedirections.
C. The two forces in each pair can act on the same object oron different objects.
D. The two forces in each pair may have different physicalorigins (for instance, one of the forces could be due to gravity,and its pair force could be a normal contact force).
E. The two forces of a 3rd law pair always act ondifferent objects.
F. Given that two objects interact via some force, theaccelerations of these two objects have the same magnitude butopposite directions. (Assume no other forces act on eitherobject.)
G. According to Newton's 3rd law, the force on the (smaller)moon due to the (larger) earth is _________
1 greater inmagnitude than, and in the opposite direction from, the force onthe earth due to the moon.
2 greater inmagnitude than, and in the same direction as, the force on theearth due to the moon.
3 equal inmagnitude to, and in the opposite direction from, the force on theearth due to the moon.
4 equal inmagnitude to, and in the same direction as, the force on the earthdue to the moon.
5 smaller inmagnitude than, and in the opposite direction from, the force onthe earth due to the moon.
6 smaller inmagnitude than, and in the same direction as, the force on theearth due to the moon.