We Need Better Penmanship
Read the underlined sentence on page 2.
Which reason from the passage supports
the claim in this sentence?
Dear Editor:
"... handwriting instruction is left up to
individual schools or teachers..."
Elementary and middle schools today
are spending less time on penmanship
than ever before. The excuses offered
most often are that other teaching
requirements in schools have increased.
Testing is also taking up a great deal of
classroom time.
"... clear, readable writing is a must for a
high score."
"Learning to write in cursive does not require
a lot of time..."
By middle school, most students still
handwrite by using the print style they
learned in the lower grades. If they aren't
printing, they are typing on computers.
Forming words by joining letters is an
"The time has come for schools to support
penmanship training..."
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