The exchange rate today is 1,058.5
Interest rate on 1 year South Korean bond = 6% or 0.06
Interest rate on 1 year U.S. bond = 2% or 0.02
Expected Exchange rate in 1 year = 1,100 South Korean won per USD. Let the Exchange rate today = x
[(Interest rate on South Korean bond - Interest rate on U.S. bond)/(1 + Interest rate on 1 year U.S. bond)] + 1 = (Expected Exchange rate in 1 year)/(Expected Exchange rate today)
[(0.06 - 0.02)/(1 + 0.02)] + 1 = 1,100/x
x = [0.04/1.02] + 1 = 1,100/x
x = 1,100/1.0392
x = 1,058.50
So therefore, the exchange rate today is 1,058.5