de which the following statements de la
A cu Asin have the same allures and vadkions.
+ pies na more spitable they are just triendly
TR The people of South Asian cover their heads and they are modest rah
10. Entering in a buliding with your shoes is a sign of respect for South Asia.
20. Cute Balabout the customs, belets, traditions, arts, knowledge of a
MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose only the LETTER of the correct answer
21. The country where the game chess was originated
D. Pakistan
C. India
B. Philippines
A Indonesia
22. This is the most powerful piece in chess game.
B Queen
A King
D. Rook
C. Knight
23 He was the first great American born chess player.
A. Staunton
C. Paul Morphy
B. Adolf Anderssen
D. James Naismith
24. The year when the lirst International chess tournament was played
A 1851
B 1581
C. 1158 D. 1815
25. It is a board game for two players with the objective of checkmating the
opposing king
A chess B. scrabble C. domino D. snakes and ladders
26 It is the only move that allows two pieces lo move during the same urn.
A. En passant
B. Castling C. Check D. Checkmate
27. This piece in chess moves forward, but captures diagonally and can
never move backward.
B. Rook C. Bishop D. Pawn
26. It is a special movement for pawns attacking pawns,
A. Promotion B. Casting C. En passant D.CH
29. The most important chess piece
A Queen B.King C. Rook
30. The only piece that "jump" off the board
A Knight
D. Bishop
A Knight
8. Queen
C Bishop
D. King​