why mae mom stats and more
• Wat n * sin tener me that are
chared by
a Gran
7 Wile deviations intents are described as td wided
instrument and was one of the oldest ciastications of instruments
A Avec
11 Chan
D viat
8. What musical instruments can be dosentadas momenous percursive
Instruments that typically comprises the drums?
9. Ghan
o from what country did this Instrument originated?
A India
Pakistan C. Israel D.Other Arab countries
10 Which of the following musical Instruments described as a norte
membranous percussive Instrument which also have solid resonators?
A Avanadoh
8. Ghan C Sushir D Vitat
Parti ARTS
A Identity which period of Indian arts the following arts or artworks existen
and created Write AP for Ancient period, CP for classical period,
TP for transitional period and MP for Mogul Period
11 Taj Mahal
12. Shiva, the cosmic dancer
13. Ajanta Caves of Maharashtra India
14. Mahabharata and Ramayana
15 Borobudur in Java