Fiction: “He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him – afraid of something – and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him.” — “Ambush,” Tim O’Brien "Ambush" from The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. Copyright ©1990 by Tim O'Brien. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Nonfiction: “The men we had scorned as peasant guerrillas were, in fact, a lethal, determined enemy . . . . we fought for no cause other than our own survival.” — A Rumor of War Philip Caputo "Prologue pgs xiii-xvi" from the book A Rumor of War, edited by Philip Caputo. Copyright ©1977 by Philip Caputo. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company. Use ideas from these two passages to describe US soldiers' attitudes toward the communist guerillas they fought in Vietnam.

Respuesta :

Answer:Both passages suggest that the American soldiers respected and feared the communist guerillas. However, the nonfiction passage suggests that the soldiers originally underestimated the guerillas and saw them as simple peasants. It goes on to say that the guerillas were determined enemies, while the American soldiers fought mainly for survival. In contrast, the speaker in the fictional passage is more reflective of himself. He describes his own fear when he writes of throwing the grenade.
