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TC Copy of Assessment Dailyex
Q Aztec Empire Part 1 - Final Flashx
riptions teachtci com/shared/programs/343/lessons/1937/assessments/762235
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the passage below and your knowledge of history to answer the questions.
In the Market Place of Tenochtitlán From earliest dawn troops of country people had thronged the three great causeways leading from
the mainland, and poured over them into the city. Fleets of canoes from Tezcuco, on the opposite side of the lake, and from various
smaller cities and villages on its border, were constantly arriving [loaded] with parties of expectant sight-seers. Thus the avenues,
streets, and squares, as well as the enclosures of the six hundred teocallis, or temples of the city, were filled, soon after sunrise, by an
eager and joyous multitude [great number of people)... To name all the commodities (goods] offered for sale in this vast market-place
would be a tedious task for in all Tenochtitlán were no stores, nor shops, nor places for trade, save this. - Kirk Munroe, The White
Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec, 1893
17. According to this passage, what are two ways that people entered Tenochtitlán?