
Subjective: 6-year-old girl twisted her arm on the playground. She is seen in the ED complaining of pain in her wrist. Objective: Vital Signs: stable. Wrist: Significant tenderness laterally. X-ray is normal Assessment: Wrist sprain Plan: Over the counter Anaprox. Give twice daily with hot packs. Recheck if no improvement. What is the E/M code for this visit

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Response Feedback:

Rationale: Emergency Department services must meet or exceed three of the three key components. The provider performed a problem focused history (brief HPI, no ROS, no PFSH), a problem focused exam (one body area is examined) and low MDM (for one new problem to the examiner, one data point for the X-ray, and low level of risk). The problem focused history and exam lead us to select 99281 as the appropriate code.