I don't know what to call this.
Lana, a ten year old girl, climbs a tree to see if tree's ever stop growing. She falls ten feet to the grown, breaking her leg and arm.
Lana: Daddy, I can't move! Help, please! Lana is crying
Henery, Lana's father, came running to her help emidiatly.
Henery: Lana! Are you okay, what happened?
Lana: I fell out of a tree!
Henery: Okay, okay. Henery is hyperventallating. Do you think you can walk?
Lana: No, I can't even move it hurts so bad!
Henery picks his daughter up and cut scene to a hospital room.
Male doctor: Hey there, Lana. How are you feeling?
Lana looks up from the cast on her leg with a dull expression.
Lana: I'm fine.
Male doctor: That's good, how does your leg and arm feel?
Lana: I can't feeel my leg or arm.
The doctor leaves the room to speak with Lana's father outside. She completely ignores their conversation.
Lana's thoughts: I can't feel my leg, or see it. Is it still there? Maybe they cut it off and replaced it with a paper leg instead. Does that mean I can still dance? Maybe it'll work like a robot leg from one of the movies.
Muffled words come from the door, "Severe injuries... Wheel chair... Seven years... Can't walk." The words "Can't walk" replayed in Lana's mind like a playlist. Tears suddenly streamed down her face. As Henery noticed he barged through the door to make sure nothing hurt.