1) Melting:
Melting is the process by which a substance changes from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Melting occurs when the internal energy of a solid increases, usually through the application of heat or pressure, such that the molecules become less ordered.
2) Sublimation
Sublimation is the term for when matter undergoes a phase transition directly from a solid to gaseous form, or vapor, without passing through the more common liquid phase between the two. It is a specific case of vaporization. Sublimation refers to physical changes of transition, and not to cases where solids convert into gas due to a chemical reaction. Because the physical change from a solid into a gas requires the addition of energy into the substance, it is an example of an endothermic change.
3) Condensation
Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. The phase change that accompanies water as it moves between its vapor, liquid, and solid form is exhibited in the arrangement of water molecules. Water molecules in the vapor form are arranged more randomly than in liquid water.