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It is a direct reflection of a country's traditional values and overall national policies, her aspirations and self-perception.

Whether you want it, like it or not you have neighborhood. And foreign policy is about keeping good, healthy relations with neighbours. The scope is expanded as everyone is our neighborhood now.

Foreign policy is country’s orientation towards other countries and group of countries. It includes vast array of subjects ranging from language, culture to technology. Diplomatic relations are always aimed at maintaining good and positive relationship. Foreign policy never aims at negative relationship. Sometimes it's situational call to have negative relations.

Foreign policy is very crucial in development of nation. The domestic needs can be met through other countries. Being self sufficient is just a concept. No country can ever become self reliable and self sufficient. Resources are spread over the globe. This resources can be utilized only through efficient policies. Let's discuss some examples, USA is biggest consumer economy of the world; whereas China is biggest manufacturer. In this way, two largest economies are interdependent. In same way at regional level all countries are interdependent. India relies for cotton, palm oil, onion on neighborhood.

Foreign policy includes orientation towards global governance. How the global resources expected to be utilized collectively, to ensure global development as well as national development. In this context, there is pressing demand to reform united nations organization structure.

On other hand, global problems like Global warming, Poverty ,women empowerment, violence demands global coordination. The new era in foreign policy is about coordinating all countries. This demands skillful policy and rules. Foreign policy is inclusive. In recent past, there was debates about global monetary governance. This aspect is relatively not focused in era of globalization, which led to inequality of accessibility to resources.

Multinational corporations which forms a third of world GDP can not be outside the ambit of foreign policy. MNCs affects foreign policy as never before. MNCs play crucial role in utilizing global resources. But in that context, MNCs are not regulated holistically. That is why, MNCs tend to utilize laws in various nations to draw their value chains. For example, addidas products are manufactured in more than 80 countries. The same is true with many other MNCs. Foreign policy is important to protect national resources and utilize it effectively. At the same time, Domestic MNC companies relies heavily on foreign policy of concerned country to form their strategies. Example, Apple Inc, Microsoft, Coco Cola ,Pepsi, General Electric, Siemens and many more.

Foreign policy is important to achieve national goals. Global issues can be solved only through multilateral coordination,arrangements and groupings.

Foreign policy in coming years likely to include space research, Biotechnology, Technology for better human welfare.
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