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Pay attention
Talk to the person who is pressuring, let him or her know how it makes you feel and tell the person stop.
Have a secret code to communicate with parents.
Give an excuse.
Have friends with similar values and beliefs.
Find real friends who accept the real you. Knowing whom to listen
to and whom to avoid is the key to steering clear of negative peer
Know what to say. “Just say doing that stuff really isn’t your thing,”
says Elli L., 15, of North Dakota. “You can also blame your parents—it
works wonders.”
Be confident. Stick up for yourself. People will respect you for it.
Think about it. Keep in mind that just one destructive decision can
change your whole life, says Nicole S., 16, also of North Dakota.
Think: How might this one moment affect how you see yourself?
This is the passage that gives teh most tips. Tips in Bold