Respuesta :
North Korea
Political - Dictatorship - North Korea is an hereditary dictatorship in which the leader of the communist party has almost absolute powers.
Economic - Communism - North Korea has a communist economic system, in a local variant known as Juche.
Geographic - Few cities - North Korea is a very rural country, with only a few cities, including the capital Pyongyang, by far the largest.
Social - Rigid Society - Because of North Korea's economic and social system, people tend to have a rigid culture that is very tightly controlled by the state.
South Korea
Political - Democracy - South Korea was a dictatorship until the 1980s, ever since, it has consolidated a western-style democracy.
Economic - Free Enterprise - South Korea has a market-oriented economic system that has yielded great economic results.
Geographic - Many cities - South Korea is a very urbanized country. The capital, Seoul, is one of the largest cities in the world. Other cities like Incheon and Busan, are also very large.
Social - Rich culture - South Korea has a very dynamic culture that has gained global recognition in recent decades. It has strong soft power in music, cinema, drama, and technology.