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I have a sister, and she can be irritating, but we get along. Some of the things I enjoy about her are that she likes a lot of the same things as me, her humor, and that she is easy to talk to. Of course, she does get on my nerves. Some of these things are that she seems to get emotional pleasure out of annoying me and that she is constantly getting me in trouble. Even with all these factors taken into consideration, I still love her because she is my sister. It might sound cliche, but I know that I do deep down.
I have 9 siblings but I’ll talk about my older brother right now. We get along quite well but he tends to be extremely difficult to be around after a while. He is constantly starting arguments with my mother and stepdad, which can get irritating. I love either way, this is a decision I regret quite often. We have a really close bond and hangout a lot. He teaches me how to play video games he likes, while I teach him how to argue and debate effectively. We tend to get each other into and out of trouble a lot, but I would trade him for the world, (unless we’re talking about trading him for a dog).