
Number the events in the order in which they occurred, from earliest to latest.
William Becknell reaches Santa Fe. _____ Mexico stops payment on its debt to the United States because of the dispute over the T exas-Mexico border. _____ Mexico wins its independence from Spain. _____ American families begin to arrive in California to settle. _____ Relations between Mexico and the United States worsen when Texas is annexed to the United States. _____ A small group of Americans seize the California town of Sonoma and proclaim the independent Republic of California. _____ Polk sends John Slidell to Mexico to offer the Mexican government $30 million for California and New Mexico if Mexico will accept the Rio Grande as the Texas boundary. _____ The United States controls all of California. _____ In an attempt to provoke Mexico, James K. Polk orders General Zachary Taylor to lead a small army across the disputed border. _____ Zachary Taylor secures the Texas border with a victory at Buena Vista. _____ The United States pays Mexico $10 million for the Gadsden Purchase. _____ The Americans take Mexico City. _____ The Unites States and Mexico sign the Treaty of Hidalgo.
(you can just list the numbers that match the sentence.)