Answer: 1.A- A disorder characterized by extreme Emotions
2.B- A personality Disorder
3. A- an Obsession
4.B- Feeling scared to ride in elevators
5.D- Schizophrenia
6.B- A small Appetite
7.D-Anorexia Nervosa
8.B-Heart Failure
9.A-Death by starvation
10.B- Bulimia
11.A-Notify an adult that your friend is in danger
12.A- Medication
13.C-the influence of others
14.A-Being sad and tired every once in a while
15.B-Mostly all ages and bother genders
16.A- Share your problems with a trusted adult
17.C-A Physician who can diagnose and treat a mental disorder
18.A-social workers
19.A-Physician who treats physical disorders of the nervous system
20.B- Experience Symptoms of mental illness
These are the Answer for Lesson:6 unit:3 Posttest( Not everyone has the same test so enter at your risk)