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D. Hoover's progressive policies were not enough to undo most of the damage that was done during the Harding and Coolidge administrations.
D. "Hoover tried to stymie the fall by increasing public works spending to $434 million- an enormous sum for the period."
A. Despite his many efforts, Hoover was unable to undo the effect of Harding's and Coolidge's deregulation of financial practices.
The Roaring Twenties developed over time starting after World War 1 when the citizens began their rebellion, excessive spending on frivolities, reveling in the new innovations that made life easier, accumulation of debts, the booming of industries that were overall worsened by government's lackadaisical attitude.
"The other hidden cause of decay was the do-nothing almost laissez-faire attitude of the federal government".
Paragraph 14 presented President Hoover as a possible hope and light that could remedy the imminent danger lurking ahead for the American economy. This was highlighted by how Hoover as Secretary of State was able to identify some problems with the stock market during Coolidge's administration.