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Topic 6: Some young people view celebrities — including professional athletes, actors, and musicians — as role models. Do you think that celebrities are good role models? Explain why or why not. (2007, EOC)
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thesis statement?

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they have platforms that use to influence people

some celebs inspire people for their new jobs



Thesis statement: famous people are not good role models because they are fake.


Let’s say you are a huge fan of a celebrity who, for the most part, leaves a positive impact on society. Is it right to like them? Of course it is. The issue with looking up to a celebrity as a role model (regardless of their department of fame) is that you really have no idea what this person is actually like. In the public eye they may appear to be a kind person who does positive things with their fame, but their behaviour in their private lives can differ from this. My biggest issue with the idea of looking up to celebrities is this "I did it, so you can do it too attitude".  In reality, this person probably had already been established in some way, whether this be through money, family, or social status. Being 'discovered' doesn't happen in real life. Saying this breeds in young people the toxic desire to be famous.