Frontal or coronal (longitudinal plane).
Three traditional planes belong to the three dimensions in space. Each plane is perpendicular to the other two planes.
- Sagittal plane: Also called the anterior-posterior plane. Refers to a vertical cut that goes from the anterior part of the body to the posterior part dividing it into the right and left half. This is one type of longitudinal plane.
- Frontal plane: Also called the coronal plane. It represents a vertical cut that goes through the body from side to side, dividing in the anterior half and posterior half. It is perpendicular to the sagittal plane. This is one type of longitudinal plane.
- Transversal plane: Also called a horizontal plane. It divides the body into a superior part and an inferior part.
In a frontal plane through the body, it is possible to observe all the tissue types in an organ.