Respuesta :


 I go to a high school in Florida. We do not wear uniforms, but I think it would be nice since I would not have to think about what to wear every day. It is a type of high school where you go to study to finish high school and get ready for university. It is a large school with about 2000 students.

A typical school day for me starts with me parking my car outside the school and meeting my friends near the school entrance, where there is a big tree that provides us shadow during hot days.

I do ten subjects, including three electives, and my favorite one is History. I love learning about the past and how things have changed. I think that studying only three or four subjects is not beneficial since I would be learning about some things and a lot of information would be left behind.

The cool thing about my school is that on the last day of every month, we have to wear a funny hat or something funny, sometimes students wear things related to movies or books, and I find it very cool.

I would love to do an exchange year abroad and know how things work in a different country. I think that it will open my mind and it would be a wonderful experience.


In this blog comment, there are multiple topics, which are about Harry's blog article. We commented on our point of view on subjects and uniforms, and we give information on how a day in our school is, and our school in general.

In a blog comment, we have to be respectful and word our opinions in a friendly way. The aim is to exchange information and thoughts on a topic. The intention is to learn and inform about the impact that the article had on us.