Choose at least 4 of the following constructions to use on your Wrapping Paper Design:
• A bisected angle
• A perpendicular line drawn from a point not on a line to a line
• A perpendicular line drawn through a given point on a given line
• A quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel lines
• A segment bisected by a perpendicular line, ray, or segment
• An equilateral triangle
• Two congruent triangles
• Two congruent segments
• Two parallel lines, one of which is drawn through a given point
Perform these constructions on a sheet of paper leaving all marks used in the construction.
Write down the instructions for the 4 chosen constructions, in your own words. Give these instructions to another person to recreate the constructions. Adjust your instructions as needed to make sure they are clear and precise. (Take notes, this will be included in your reflection summary).
Combine your constructions to make a pattern or design for your Wrapping Paper. You will do this on a standard sheet of paper. Be creative, but make sure to include all 4 of your constructions. Make sure to number your constructions and create a key describing each element.
Write a paragraph reflecting on any difficulties you encountered creating your design, the key, or writing your construction instructions.