Five suggestions to bring about harmony among various religions-
1. Have respect for other religions.
2. Give privacy and space for others to practice their religions freely.
3. Ensure everyone has their freedom to practice a religion they believe in.
4. Peacefully co-existing with people from other religions.
5. Be ready to help and defend people from other religions if and when they need help.
The world is occupied by different people with different religious beliefs and faiths. And we all believe our faiths to be the most important and living religion. But that does not give us the right to discriminate or ridicule other religions.
Five suggestions that can bring about harmony among the different religions are-
1. Have respect for other religions.
2. Give privacy and space for others to practice their religions freely.
3. Ensure everyone has their freedom to practice a religion they believe in.
4. Peacefully co-existing with people from other religions.
5. Be ready to help and defend people from other religions if and when they need help.