Select the best way to clarify or add an example to a sentence. Use dashes. Use commas to change the meaning of the sentence. Rewrite the sentence. Use parentheses.

Respuesta :

You can use commas, and you can rewrite the sentence, using Parentheses and dashes are optional, only some sentences are required to have it.

Parentheses (always used in pairs) allow a writer to provide additional information.

Hope this helps

Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause.

The dash is a mark of punctuation used to set off a word or phrase after an independent clause or to set off a parenthetical remark.

You can rewrite the sentence using commas. Parentheses and Dashes are optional and require few sentences.  

Use of commas:

Commas (,) are commonly used as the punctuation marks in sentences. It Helps to split ideas, add pauses, and list things clearly. You can also combine words, phrases, and phrases to form longer sentences. In fact, the comma is one of the most important and widely used punctuation marks.  

Before that, use a comma to indicate the start of the pause, and finally, use a comma to indicate the end of the pause.  

Examples: There were tea, biscuits, biscuits, and apples.  

Use of Dashes and parentheses :

Dashes and parentheses indicate the point created in the sentence.Dashes are more common in fiction and loose text. Another caveat: Be sure to add the relevant additional information with hyphens or brackets, not just the fluff. Try to keep your text clean and clear.  

Brackets are always used in pairs so that the author can provide additional information.  

Example: He finally replied that he didn't understand the question (after taking 5 minutes to think about it).  

• Use of Dashes/Hyphens:

Hyphens / Dashes are punctuation marks used to emphasize words or phrases that follow independent phrases or annotations in parentheses. A dash (insert Ctrl + Alt + minus between delimiter words) indicates a sudden pause in thinking. It can be considered "amazing" to the reader who has the information. When used wisely, it can mark and emphasize more dramatic pauses that are longer than commas.  

Example:They acquired several racer at the fair— a winner, a loser, and a beer drinking man.

Use of parentheses:

It signifies a break in thoughts and they mark a piece of additional information rather than any interruption like dashes do.  

Example : The show will run for a shocking twenty (20) weekends.

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