Respuesta :

There are countries nowadays, that live exactly like 1000 years ago. Maybe it would be easier to turn the question that way.

Ancient tribes still exist. They have gratitude for the simplest things, have kept secular traditions, and don't necessarily check their mobile phones for notifications about 27859 times a day.

The disadvantage is that they don't get the news about the latest iPhone in time. They don't even have money to buy a cigarette. They make them. But still.

People are totally uniform (you are likely to find the same brands whether you go to Doha, New York or London), everything is global, as are becoming languages (how many languages = ways of seeing the universe have totally vanished during the last 100 years ?) nowadays.

While 1000 years ago, diversity, total lack of pollution (either electromagnetic, chemical, radiological, sound, or material), lack of deforestation and animal species slaughter, certainly made life much tougher for human beings, but certainly not for the global Ecosystem seen as a whole.