100 points
You should now be familiar with the Gupta Empire! Your job is to create a photo story that describes the major contributions and achievements of the Gupta Empire. This photo story must show carefully chosen images from four categories:

Category 1: Medicine

Category 2: Mathematics

Category 3: Technology

Category 4: Religion

You must also explain why each photo shows a contribution or achievement that relates to the specific category you placed it in. Your explanation should describe how the contribution or achievement impacted the Gupta Empire. Take a look at the example below.

A photo of the twenty-three-foot tall iron pillar located in Delhi. It dates from 400 AD under the rule of Chandra Gupta I.
This image shows how skilled Indian metal workers were because a construction like this would not be completed by Europeans until the 19th century. It was more than twenty-three feet tall and weighed more than six tons.


Your photo story must:

include one opening slide with a title for the presentation and the time period of the Gupta Empire
include one carefully chosen image for each category
explain how each image represents a contribution or achievement of the Gupta Empire within a specific category and how it impacted the Gupta Empire
each explanation must be at least three sentences
identify the time period each contribution is from