Evolution is sometimes a controversial topic. Write an essay (minimum 5 short paragraphs) including the following:
What is your opinion about evolution?
Do you think there should be a controversy?
Do you think alternatives to evolution should be taught in schools?
Why or why not?

Respuesta :

"What is your opinion about evolution?"

Evolution is very controversial, I can agree. But in my opinion, evolution is the only explanation for why we have creatures and living things on this planet, makes more sense than some space guy making every single animal and plant in seven days, simply because no one on Earth has that power, and it's downright impossible. I, personally am an Atheist, so my opinion is going to be different than most people's opinions on the matter itself.

"Do you think there should be a controversy?"

Honestly, no. Christians and peoples of other religion get mad because a scientific fact meddled with their original opinion. Now, here's my opinion. It's ok not to accept change at first, that's an expected human reaction. But people, over time, accept change. But it's been 63 years since the theory was first published, and Christian society is still angry that a simple fact had ruined their entire ideology. I wouldn't say believing in God is simply a façade, but I will say that you should be accepting to other people's view of their own world.

Oh yeah, and although I refer evolution as a scientific fact even though the scientific community considers it a theory, is because we have direct evidence for this "theory", so what would be the point of calling it a theory.

"Do you think alternatives to evolution should be taught in schools?"

Depends if the school is more science-based or religiously-based. Until people can learn and accept the changes that have taken place in society, alternatives for evolution, like the Genesis chapter from "The Sacred Text", would probably have to be considered for Christian schooling. Meanwhile, more science centric schools can still teach evolution, even if Karen complains about it.

Well there's my essay. When I first started my account, I had asked two questions like this one. I honestly enjoyed writing my feelings, it's really rare when I get to find questions like these on Brainly. Thanks!