It depends on who you are, in many cultures the 50s were some of the worst times to live, but in others arguably the best. The 50s were a crucial point in world history as many changes started being made directly after the world wars, from food service industry to the rights of women. Back then we had a stronger notion of respect, for instance a man had to prove himself to get the girl, get a good job, a house and build a family, but that is one thing we have lost in our modern society. Though many improvements have been made, from the rights of women and people of color to the technologies we enjoy i believe that there is a lot to learn from our previous generations, although our fathers made many mistakes they still did what they thought was right, and we need to be careful that in the act of improving the world we don't overcorrect, In many ways the 50s were better and in many ways now is better, but if we want to make the future better then we should look to the past, not just chalk everything up to "ok boomer".