Weathering – Decide whether the statement is an example of chemical or mechanical weathering. Write “M” for mechanical or “C” for chemical in the space provided.

____ 1. Mosses growing on the surface of rocks, producing pits in the rock.
____ 2. The wedging of tree roots along natural joints in granite outcrops.
____ 4. The oxidation of minerals that contain iron.
____ 5. Animal burrows in soil that let in water and air.
____ 6. Repeated freezing and thawing of water that cracks rock.
____ 7. The action of water, salt, and air on car fenders and panels.
____ 8. Acids from plant roots which break up rock.
____ 9. Formation of potholes in streets during severe winters.
____ 10. Lifted sections of sidewalk along tree-lined streets.
____ 11. A small rock falling from a cliff.
____ 12. Feldspar mixing with acidic groundwater and producing clay minerals.
____ 13. Halite in rocks dissolving in water.