The Great Gatsby Quiz Ch 5-9 (Online)-42 pts
I.Vocabulary-fill in the blanks –Select the vocabulary word (Choose letter of word) that best completes each sentence. (Don’t worry that the letters repeat)Word bank: A. counterfeit B. exultation C. conceits D. pervading E. lethargic A. row B. tangible C. unscrupulous D. inquest E. deranged (3 pts each)
1.The ____________ smile that came across his face was a tell-tale sign of his dishonesty.2.His actions were _____________, and he didn’t seem to care what laws he broke or who he hurt in the process.3.The happiness and good vibe of life was ___________ the country putting smiles on the faces of everyone for miles.4.Her ___________ at her wonderful test scores could be heard throughout the schools corridors. 5.He had worked long and hard for a little more than a pat on the back, and he was good and ready for some ___________ rewards.6.The ___________ gorillas were not a very pleasing exhibit at the zoo. They just sat around scratching themselves.7.At the __________, the witness gave some rather incriminating evidence that linked Sam to three of the murders.8.The killer was a __________ maniac whose childhood experiences forced him over the edge.9.A terrible __________ broke out in the classroom over which political canidate was the best, but then everyone just decided that Pyles should be president.10.Gatsby entertained many ___________ about the love he intended to rekindle with his beloved Daisy.