Respuesta :
Families transact their relationships in a number of ways. Alongside and in tension with the
emotional and practical dealings of family life are factors of an essentially moral nature such as
loyalty, gratitude, obedience, and altruism. Morality depends on ideas about how one should
behave, so that, for example, deciding whether or not to save a brother's life by going to bed with
his judge involves an ethical accountancy drawing on ideas of right and wrong. It is such ideas
that are the focus of this study. It seeks to recover some of ethical assumptions which were in
circulation in early modern England and which inform the plays of the period. A number of plays
which dramatise family relationships are analysed from the imagined perspectives of original
audiences whose intellectual and moral worlds are explored through specific dramatic situations.
Plays are discussed as far as possible in terms of their language and plots, rather than of character
Answer: Families transact their relationships in a number of ways. Alongside and in tension with the
emotional and practical dealings of family life are factors of an essentially moral nature such as
loyalty, gratitude, obedience, and altruism