Respuesta :
Central America has a shy economy based primarily on agriculture, livestock and logging. In 1824 Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica came together and founded the “United States of America”, however, due to administrative and financial problems, the bloc was dismantled in 1840. Poverty is one of the Central America's main problems: In Nicaragua, for example, 48% of the population is below the poverty line.
Work remains the fastest way to overcome the shortage, but the labor market in different countries in the region is still characterized by insufficient job supply and "significant" gaps in job quality, access to social protection and labor income ", which in a high proportion is below the legal minimum wage [an overwhelming 40% of all Latin American workers, especially young people, older people and women, according to recent records] and which is needed to overcome the poverty and achieve adequate levels of well-being, so a significant proportion of employed people work long hours. "
Another sign of the dysfunctionality of the labor market in the region: one in five Latin American workers has income from work below their country's poverty line, up to 35% for the rural population. All this despite long daily journeys, many times above the law.